iOS应用发布ITMS-90704错误解决今天第一次用XCode 9 GM版打包上传应用。貌似上传的过程更简单了。选择 “Automatically manage signing” (自动管理签名)后它就直接显示一个汇总信息列表,然后开始上传了,比以前简化了一两个步骤。不过第一次遇到这个 ITMS-90704 错误:error它显示是Warning,却又告诉你操作失败。错误信息如下:WARNING ITMS-90704: "Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review."大意是说,iOS 应用现在必须包含一个1024*1024的PNG格式的图标。没有这个图标的应用将不能提交应用审核,也不能提交 Beta 测试审核。好吧,看来 iOS 应用现在得把这个大图标放在应用中了。solution解决起来也简单。在图标 Asset 中放入1024* 1024的版本重新打包上传就好了。第一次遇到这个90704错误。记录下来。If you encounter the ITMS-90704 error when publishing your iOS application, you can use the appuploader tool to resolve it. This error is typically caused by a mismatch between the bundle identifier in your app and the one you specified in your App Store Connect account. To fix the error, follow these steps:Open the appuploader tool and log in with your Apple ID.Choose the "Packages" tab and select your app.Click on the "Metadata" button and ensure that the "Bundle ID" field matches the one in your App Store Connect account.If the bundle identifier is correct, go to the "Builds" tab and select the build that you want to publish.Click on the "Metadata" button and ensure that the "Bundle ID" field matches the one in your App Store Connect account.If the bundle identifier is correct, try uploading your app again.By following these steps, you should be able to successfully publish your iOS app without encountering the ITMS-90704 error. If you continue to have issues, you may want to consult with Apple Developer Support for further assistance.
MySQL PHP 语法MySQL 可应用于多种语言,包括 PERL, C, C++, JAVA 和 PHP,在这些语言中,MySQL 在 PHP 的 web 开发中是应用最广泛。在本教程中我们大部分实例都采用了 PHP 语言。如果你想了解 MySQL 在 PHP 中的应用,可以访问我们的 PHP 中使用 Mysqli 介绍。PHP 提供了多种方式来访问和操作Mysql数据库记录。PHP MySQL 函数格式如下:mysqli_function(value,value,...);以上格式中 function部分描述了mysql函数的功能,如mysqli_connect($connect); mysqli_query($connect,"SQL 语句"); mysqli_fetch_array() mysqli_close()以下实例展示了PHP调用mysql函数的语法:实例 (MySQLi)<?php $retval = mysqli_function(value, [value,...]); if( !$retval ) { die ( "相关错误信息" ); } // 其他 MySQL 或 PHP 语句 ?>从下一章开始,我们将学习到更多的MySQL功能函数。
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