1.Manus是什么?Manus的官网地址:cid:link_0Manus是一个通用AI智能体,它连接思维与行动:它不仅思考,还能交付成果。2. Manus能做什么?最近几天,Manus都刷屏了,但是Manus到底能做什么事呢?筛选简历、研究房产、分析股票等等一系列复杂任务都可以由Manus完成官网演示视频中的第一个Demo是简历筛选,视频是YouTube源,需要点科学上网的能力才能看。演示开始,官方给Manus发送一个包含10份简历的压缩包,并给它指令:我需要招聘算法工程师,评估这10份简历。Manus随后就和专业招聘人员一样,解压文件,逐个分析简历,评估排名等等操作该任务都是在Manus后台完成,提问者可以提交任务后,随时关闭电脑,等任务完成后,Manus会发送通知3. Manus为什么这么火?Manus的独特在于它不仅能理解用户需求,还能主动采取行动完成具体的任务,也就是知行合一,有条不紊地完成各项任务,并直接交付完整成果目前Manus仍然处于内测阶段,想要试用Manus需要邀请码,而官方未大规模放出邀请码,导致在某鱼上邀请码卖出了999元到100万元的天价4.如何申请Manus第一步:注册登录打开官方网站:cid:link_0打开右上角的Get Started按钮第二步:激活账户登录因为还没邀请码,我们点击Apply For Access进入申请页面第三步:申请快速通过技巧到这一步,需要填写申请邀请码的基本信息,其中Email是你要注册的邮箱号,尽量用gmailHow can Manus help you:主要告诉官方,我们拿到Manus后,怎么使用,需要提供需求细节综合来看,官方需要评估我们的身份,尽可能给需要的人群使用。这里给大家提供申请模板的范文,提高申请通过的概率尊敬的Manus团队,
另外考虑到官方发布会的喜爱,建议优先使用英文的申请Dear Manus Team,
I am [Your Name], currently serving as [Your Position, e.g., XR Technology Lead/Smart Hardware Development Engineer] at [Company/Institution Name], and I am also a core contributor to [Relevant Community/Open-Source Project Name]. After learning about Manus's innovative direction, I am convinced that this technology will redefine [Specific Field, e.g., Human-Computer Interaction/Metaverse Access/Rehabilitation Medicine, etc.]. I am eager to participate in the beta testing as a developer and provide in-depth feedback. My relevant experience may be valuable to your team:
1. **Technical Background**: With [X] years of experience in [AR/VR/Smart Hardware Development], I have led the development of [Brief Project Name and Achievements, e.g., "Wearable Gesture Recognition System Based on Flexible Sensors" or "SDK Optimization for a Brand's VR Gloves"]. I have hands-on experience tackling technical challenges such as [Sensor Data Fusion/Low-Latency Interaction/Biomechanical Analysis].
2. **Scenario Insights**: I am currently advancing [Specific Project or Research Direction, e.g., "XR Remote Collaboration Solution for Industrial Scenarios" or "Gesture Tracking Applications in Neurorehabilitation"]. Manus's [Specific Technical Feature] could precisely address the [Specific Problem or Bottleneck] we are facing.
3. **Communication Capabilities**: I have [X] thousand followers on [Technical Community Platform/Social Media Name] and have authored a review report for [A Well-Known Hardware Product] with over [X] views. I am willing to document my testing experience through articles/videos during the beta period.
I hope to focus on the following during the testing:
- Hardware performance in areas such as [High-Precision Gesture Recognition/Long-Term Wear Comfort/Multi-Environment Adaptability].
- SDK compatibility with [Unity/Unreal/Proprietary Engine] and the rationality of API design.
- Providing additional support such as [Bilingual Test Reports (Chinese/English)/Competitive Analysis/Developer Community Q&A].
Attached are my [Personal Tech Blog Link/Github Profile/Representative Project Cases]. If further discussion is needed, feel free to contact me via [Phone/Email]. I look forward to working with Manus to push the boundaries of the industry!
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Contact Information]
[Personal Website/LinkedIn Profile]
发表于2025-03-11 11:17:44
2025-03-11 11:17:44