- 全球加速(Global Accelerator,GA)服务为全球化业务用户提供应用加速服务,通过提供统一的公网IP和高可靠、低延时、易管理、安全合规的网络服务,使终端用户在全球能快速访问云上应用,获得优质体验。 全球加速(Global Accelerator,GA)服务为全球化业务用户提供应用加速服务,通过提供统一的公网IP和高可靠、低延时、易管理、安全合规的网络服务,使终端用户在全球能快速访问云上应用,获得优质体验。
- Global Accelerator allows users around the world to access cloud applications faster through anycast IP addresses and highly reliable, low-latency, and secure networking services. Global Accelerator allows users around the world to access cloud applications faster through anycast IP addresses and highly reliable, low-latency, and secure networking services.